34.0. August 17, 2024. Added "Phone" and "Mobile" fields to Ratings Central player database. "Ratings Central" and "Zermelo" submenus no longer have a bold item; so double-clicking the main menu item does nothing. Bold item in "Call" submenu is now "Enter Result". Fixed problem where clicking the "Deceased" check box would not enable the "Save" button. Fixed problem where some string field lengths weren't consistent. Fixed problem checking database file versions are all the same. Now checks that lines do not have more fields than the header line when importing events and players. 33.0. June 22, 2024. Now accepts player phone numbers in any format instead of requiring format to be 999-999-9999 with hyphens optional. Only includes player phone numbers in USATT report if format is 999-999-9999 with hyphens optional. Now USATT membership expiration fields in ::Players > Modify are disabled if USATT membership ID not set. Now ::Players > Import only allows USATT membership expiration to be set if USATT membership ID is also set. 32.0. June 16, 2024. Added several columns to ::Players > Export; changed column order; changed comma-space to just space in list-of-events column. Menu item ::Players > Import now accepts a CSV file of player information. Increased length of player phone number field to 25 characters. Will update version 31 and later database files to current version. Fixed problem where published sheet version of elimination brackets did not say "playing" or show the handicap. 31.2. April 21, 2024. Added menu item ::Events > Export. Added menu item ::Events > Import. List version of published draw sheets now uses bold red for match winners and comment at top says advancers are bold blue links. Fixed single quotes in .htaccess file in User's Manual. Fixed problem where you could create an event without a name. Now sets the Message-ID in the email header when using the Email submission method. 31.1. March 17, 2024. Not a public release. Now resets publishing timer if any main-menu item was active when timer fired. Now turns off automatic publishing if error writing files when starting or after modifying publishing. Fixed problem where the publishing parameters were not properly updated when doing ::Draw Sheets > "Modify Publishing". 31.0. March 10, 2024. Not a public release. Added menu item ::Draw Sheets > Publish. Added menu item ::Draw Sheets > "Modify Publishing". Now uses minus signs and en dashes when printing or displaying draw sheets. Now uses light gray for diagonal cells in printed and displayed round-robin draw sheets. Now only writes the handicap in the cell in the lower-rated player line in round-robin draw sheets. Text in displayed draw sheets is now clearer. Now subtracts 1 from an odd "Team-rating cutoff", which is how it was always interpreted. Removed "Southeast TT League" sport. Reduced maximum length of list-database folder to 5000 characters. 30.2. December 3, 2023. Added menu item ::Ratings Central > "Get New IDs". Rating/club lists now record what sport they are for (lists will be cleared on upgrade, so you will need to import them again). Removed Eleven Table Tennis sport. 30.1. November 12, 2023. Added Eleven Table Tennis sport. 30.0. November 7, 2023. Postal codes are now checked for validity and limited to ten ASCII characters. Now uses Windows dialogs to select files and folders. Password fields in forms are now only eight characters wide (but scroll) so people can't see the length of your password. Now checks that OpenSSL libraries are the correct version. Now displays bytes-unzipped progress when unzipping rating and club lists. Number of characters that can be entered in an integer/score/money edit is now limited appropriately for the particular item. ::Matches > "Call Some" now limits "Match cards" to 999. Fixed problem where money edits would not accept values greater than 999. Fixed crash when entering a value too large to be an integer into an edit then clicking the "Cancel" button. 29.9. August 12, 2023. Fixed message-dialog crash introduced in previous version. 29.8. August 10, 2023. Now uses the user's locale to sort U.S. state names, Canadian province names, and country names. 29.7. June 11, 2023. ::Tournament > "Create New" now checks that the folder for the new tournament doesn't contain TournamentLog.txt or *.nx1 files. 29.6. May 4, 2023. User interface now scales according to the Windows per-monitor scale (DPI) setting. 29.5. March 25, 2023. Changed "Southeast QLD League" to "Southeast TT League". 29.4. March 12, 2023. Changed cost for non-Ratings-Central tournaments from US$20 to pay what you think is fair. Added "Southeast QLD League" sport. 29.3. November 6, 2022. Fixed problem where dates could not be entered into edit controls if the Windows short date format used month names. Fixed look-up-by-TTA-ID and look-up-by-ITTF-ID buttons in ::Players > Modify > Edit dialog. Fixed message dialogs to copy message on Ctrl+C. 29.2. May 8, 2022. Progress-bar and download-status windows can now be aborted by clicking the "X" in the title bar or pressing Alt+F4. The drop-down in ::Zermelo > "Select Printer" now sorts the printer names alphabetically. 29.1. April 13, 2022. Added "Copy Report to Clipboard" button to crash/exception window. Internal change: Progress-bar and download-status windows now post a message in DoShow rather than overriding Activate. No longer tries to write to the database after a fatal exception. 29.0. April 4, 2022. Added ::Events > Modify > Edit > Search > Stages. Changed ::Events > Modify > Edit > Search to ::Events > Modify > Edit > Search > Order. Removed "Never" as choice. Added menu items ::Matches > "Call Stages", ::Matches > "Call Some". Now searches round-robin groups using the standard order of play. If "Manage match calling" is unchecked, ::Matches > Call now starts a new page before and after a round-robin group. When printing the match cards for a round-robin group on their own set of pages, prints an order-of-play number on the card. ::Draw Sheets > Display now writes "printed" if match is playing and "Manage match calling" unchecked or not in Search > Stages. Shortcut keys: Removed ::Tournament > Display Statistics; changed ::Lists > Browse Ratings; added ::Zermelo > Select Printer. Fixed sporadic crash when importing rating and club lists. Fixed possible sporadic problem with operations that display a progress bar. Fixed appdata command-line parameter to use the correct database folder. Fixed problem where a discard card might not be printed when it should be if "Manage match calling" was unchecked. 28.3. December 25, 2021. Fixed application icon. Internal change: Updated to Delphi 11. 28.2. July 31, 2021. Fixed error handling when packing the database. 28.1. July 5, 2021. Fixed crash when entering a player in multiple doubles events with different partners. 28.0. June 26, 2021. When breaking ties in round robin groups using games or points, now handles defaults according to ITTF Referees Handbook. Now sets HTTP UserAgent and SMTP MailAgent to the app name. 27.0. February 15, 2021, Added SSD South Sudan. Changed TRI Trinidad and Tobago to TTO. Updated country names for CGO, CIV, COD, FSM, GAM, ISV, IVB, MAC, MKD, SWZ, TLS, VIN. Fixed ::Players > Modify > Edit dialog so Deceased check box not covered by Phone field when dialog made wider. 26.0. January 12, 2021. Updated USATT membership and tournament-pass types to 2021 ones. Fixed problem where items in the Sex and Membership Bought combo boxes in the Player dialog might be incorrectly disabled. No longer supports Windows Vista or XP. 25.0. November 1, 2020. Main window status bar now displays total remaining matches (i.e., matches that are not completed). Event grid now shows remaining matches in each event. User's Manual no longer says that event-processed email not sent if there are no results in the tournament. 24.2. September 9, 2020. Now prints four match cards to a letter or A4 page. User's Manual now says that tournament-processed emails are sent to the email address for the director ID. 24.1. September 2, 2020. Now uses POST and form fields instead of GET and cookies to download rating and club lists. Updated "Unrated Players" chapter in User's Manual. Updated OpenSSL to version 1.0.2u. 24.0. April 10, 2020. Maximum length of event names now 100 characters. Maximum length of player names now 50 characters. Added ITTF player ID field to players, rating list, and ::Players > Export. Can now use ITTF IDs to specify players in ::Players > Import. Fixed problem where whitespace might not have been changed to spaces when the user entered information. 23.13. September 14, 2019. Ratings Central report now includes submission method. Added "lost files" to User's Manual index. 23.12. August 24, 2019. Email address validation now only accepts letters, numbers, hyphens, and periods for the domain name. 23.11. July 31, 2019. Updated "Wrong Start Date or Director ID" section in User's Manual. 23.10. July 28, 2019. User's Manual now says to get priors approved by Ratings Central. Can now connect to mail servers using TLS versions 1.1 and 1.2 in addition to version 1. Now includes OpenSSL version 1.0.2s. 23.9. July 4, 2019. Changed maximum tournament unrated standard deviation from 450 to 600. Changed maximum player unrated standard deviation from 999 to 600. Updated "Director ID Policies" section in user's manual. Added some instructions that are on the "Information for Event Directors" webpage to the user's manual. 23.8. March 23, 2019. Website now removes seven-digit USATT IDs from rating list if previous Zermelo version is used. 23.7. March 17, 2019. Ratings Central is no longer free. Fixed problem where player who bought membership and didn't play in rated event was not included in USATT report. Added support for USATT IDs that are seven digits. Updated USATT report files to match what USATT currently wants (i.e., temporary IDs are negative numbers). 23.6. December 8, 2018. Added "The Fewer Priors the Better" section to "Unrated Players" chapter in the User's Manual. 23.5. July 1, 2018. Added discussion of fixing a wrong director ID to the User's Manual. 23.4. June 23, 2018. Expanded discussion of fixing a wrong tournament start date in the User's Manual. 23.3. May 6, 2018. Added "Old Version Password Compatibility" section to User's Manual. 23.2. April 5, 2018. Added "Director ID Policies" section to User's Manual. 23.1. March 22, 2018. Can now import current version of USATT rating list. 23.0. March 17, 2018. Updated USATT report files to match what USATT currently wants. Added "Foreign" USATT membership type (for USATT report). 22.1. March 3, 2018. Now using HTTPS for downloading lists and submitting to Ratings Central using the Web submission method. 22.0. February 17, 2018. Added province field for tournament. In rating-list browser, changed "Overwrite" button to "Merge" and added "Overwrite" button that copies blank fields. Changed SIN Singapore to SGP; changed LIB Lebanon to LBN. Removed Paralympic Table Tennis sport. Now creates version 6 of the Ratings Central report format. Updated "Unrated Players" chapter in User's Manual. 21.2. October 23, 2016. Updates to User's Manual. 21.1. July 31, 2016. Now always informs the user if a password entered into an edit is too long (rather than sometimes silently truncating). 21.0. April 30, 2016. Fixed display of clubs in player browser and rating-list browser to be aligned left. Revised 51 point handicap chart (increased handicaps). Added 41 point and 31 point handicap charts. Added "Deceased" field to Ratings Central rating list and ::Players > Modify > Edit. Now rating lists and club lists downloaded from the Web for sports other than table tennis include the sport in the filename. Removed USATT "rating fee" because USATT no longer charges it as of January 1, 2016. Now using new USATT membership types and fees that went into effect November 15, 2015. When importing USATT rating list, now expects list provided by Simply Compete (who replaced Railstation as of January 1, 2016). Changed USATT report filename from "Memberships" to "Players" and included all players (in rated events) and player info. Changed eligibility to buy a junior USATT membership to under 16 from under 15. Added player's phone number field for including in USATT tournament report (also included in ::Players > Export). Draw sheet windows can now go behind the main window (like they used to several versions ago). Now uses main database folder if list database folder is read-only rather than exiting. No longer displays a second dialog box on a fatal exception. Now uses Unicode instead of ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) for strings. Passwords can now be 100 Unicode characters instead of 20 Latin 1 characters. 20.12. April 19, 2015. Moved ini file to database folder. 20.11. April 11, 2015. Fixed problem entering doubles teams if previously edited doubles event had a couple more teams than current doubles event. 20.10. April 6, 2015. Fixed problem entering a credit into the ::Players > Modify > Edit > Fees > Adjustment field. Removed broken ability to enter non-integers in money fields for some Windows regional settings; now only integers allowed. Now always uses $1 and $-1 formats for currency for U.S. English and Canada English regional formats. 20.9. March 7, 2015. Fixed crash when swapping non-bye slot before first round in second stage of RR-to-SE event. Once again gives friendly error message when running two copies of Zermelo on same database files. Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2. 20.8. February 28, 2015. Fixed import of USATT rating lists (actual rating list formats did not match what USATT said they would be). 20.7. January 23, 2015. Now produces the USATT tournament report that USATT switched to with the January 15, 2015, switch to RailStation. Now imports the new (as of the January 15, 2015, switch to RailStation) formats of the USATT rating list. Changed maximum USATT ID from 999999 to 998999 because higher numbers are used for new players in USATT's tournament report. 20.6. November 18, 2014. Internal change: Updated to Delphi XE7. 20.5. September 22, 2014. Fixed problem entering tournament date if Windows short date format was not M/dd/yyyy. Now gives an error message if an invalid date or time is entered rather than clearing the edit (or doing something odd). Fixed crash when entering a very large integer (e.g., 18 digits) into an edit field expecting an integer. Integer edit fields now give an error message if a non-integer is pasted in rather than silently converting to an integer. Fixed crash in ::Draw Sheets > Display when double clicking in an empty part of the Event list with no event selected. Added country TKL Tokelau. Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.1h. Internal change: Updated to Delphi XE6 Update 1. 20.4. January 4, 2014. Installer now creates shortcuts that put database folder in user's roaming application data folder. Now can specify location of main database folder via a command-line parameter. Fixed problem where installer might give an error and fail to create shortcuts properly. 20.3. October 27, 2013. Added "Continue and Ignore Errors" button to import-lists error window. Now ::Players > Modify > Edit displays the player's age. Upgraded to NexusDB 3.12.02; this fixed error message when running two copies of Zermelo on same database files. Now gives a user-friendly error message when trying to run on pre-18.0 database files rather than crashing. Fixed ::Players > "Check In or Out" so if Player ID field has focus, radio button accelerator keys do not change focus. Fixed problem where ::Lists > Import might try to import the lists even if you clicked the cancel button. Now puts Zermelo.ini file in user's local application data folder. When submitting to Ratings Central, now mentions if tournament will be deleted because there are no matches. No longer logs running Zermelo twice on the same set of database files to ZermeloDatabaseError.txt. Changed crash dialog (changed from Exceptional Magic to JclDebug). Internal change: now using Delphi's unzip instead of ZipForge's. 20.2. July 19, 2013. Fixed problem where, on some computers, ::Players > Modify would crash. Fixed problem where minimum width of rating-list browser window was incorrect. 20.1. July 16, 2013. Can now import players into the tournament from a file of IDs via ::Players > Import menu item. Now assumes that a two-digit year entered into the ::Players > Modify > Edit > Birth field is in the past. No longer writes the ::Players > Modify > Edit > "Unrated prior" > Mean value to the USATT Report file. Event lists sorted by rating (::Players > "Print Lists") now show player tournament IDs. When copying from the rating list, now keeps the +4 part of ZIP code if base five digits same and +4 missing from rating list. Fixed so out-of-date or corrupt Zermelo.ini file will not cause an error. Internal change to rating-list database (rating-list and club-list databases will be cleared on upgrade to this version). 20.0. April 20, 2013. Thumbs in vertical scroll bars in grids can now be dragged to any location rather than just to each end or past the middle. Fixed crash when adding player if short date format changed in Windows Control Panel. Fixed problem importing rating list if short date format changed in Windows Control Panel. Fixed possible problems parsing or writing dates and times if settings changed in Windows Control Panel. Some database files now take up less disk space. Can now use same rating-list and club-list files as Cantor, but can't have both apps open on same files at same time. Maximum email address length increased from 75 to 254 characters. Now checks that email addresses are syntactically valid. 19.2. February 11, 2013. Fixed possible problem where a button on an inactive notebook page could be clicked if a page change had been prevented. Fixed problem introduced in 19.1 where Zermelo would write a period to the log window instead of a blank line. Fixed problem where text in disabled check boxes and in disabled labels looked slightly different. Fixed crash when "Enter Doubles" grid widened or scrolled enough to show a no-longer-existing column on far right. Now will only load OpenSSL files from folder containing Zermelo.exe. 19.1. November 3, 2012. Fixed problem where nonsense places would be displayed in a round robin group and/or wrong order of finish might be calculated. Fixed problem where a result that was changed from non-default to default would display incorrectly in Enter Result and Undo. Fixed problem where an SE result could be changed to a default by clearing the scores even though the next match was called. Fixed crash when pressing PgDn or PgUp when the navigator bar had the focus. Now installs the OpenSSL files so ::Zermelo > "Set Up Internet" > Email > "Use TLS" should work. 19.0. August 18, 2012. No longer runs on Windows 98, 98SE, ME. No longer requires that Windows locale use 1252 (Latin 1) code page, but still only accepts Latin 1 characters. TT Australia IDs can now be seven digits. Fixed problem where Browse Players "Find" edit might be incorrectly enabled if grid column title accelerator key pressed. Better message when connection closed gracefully when downloading rating/club lists (2012-08-26: webpage modified to fix). Increased the read timeout when downloading rating and club lists. Fixed problem where background color for number of overdue matches in status bar made text hard to read. Problem of not being able to select Adobe PDF as printer went away (probably due to switch to new version of Delphi). Fixed problem where moving version 18.0 database files to a different version of Windows could produce an "NLS version" error. Fixed problem where grid in 18.0 would scroll all the way to the left if sort column changed, row clicked, or "Find" field used. Internal change: Now using Delphi XE2 instead of Delphi 2006. Changed BRU Brunei Darussalam to Brunei, CIV Cote d'Ivoire to C�te d'Ivoire, GBR United Kingdom to Great Britain. Changed GUE Guernsey to GGY, IOM Isle of Man to IMN, JER Jersey to JEY, MTS Montserrat to MSR, ROM Romania to ROU. Changed VIN Saint Vincent to Saint Vincent Grenadines, STP Sao Tome and Principe to S�o Tom� and Pr�ncipe Changed TCI Turks and Caicos to TCA. Added CUW Cura�ao, TCH Czechoslovakia, ENG England, GDR Germany D.R., FRG Germany F.R., MAC Macao, NIR Northern Ireland. Added SCO Scotland, SCG Serbia and Montenegro, URS USSR, WAL Wales, YUG Yugoslavia. 18.0. April 22, 2012. Fixed possible problem with display of buttons. Cosmetic and internal changes to grids. Minor changes to editing behavior and keys in doubles-team grid. Internal change to squad-event index name in entry table necessitating new major version. Modified guidelines for player priors. Now using NexusDB version 3 instead of version 1. 17.1. August 17, 2011. Fixed possible problem with previous version linking against an old version of a third-party library. 17.0. August 15, 2011. Now lets you select sport for Ratings Central. Now supports USATT ID and TT Australia ID fields in Ratings Central database. Added TT Australia ID to exported player-information CSV file. Updated USATT membership types and fees. When importing a USATT rating list, now accepts a "U" as the value for a player's gender. Now displays count of overdue results in main-window status bar. ::Matches > "List Playing" now indicates if a match result is overdue. Now, even if manage-match-calling is unchecked, changes player statuses at beginning of day. Now result dialog closes automatically if all events are finished. Now reminds people to pay the fee if not submitting the tournament to Ratings Central. 16.0. October 28, 2006. Added menu item to export finalists to a CSV file. Can now set the match format to handicap without first unchecking the unrateds-can-enter check box. Can now use TLS when connecting to an SMTP server to submit an event via email. Can now clear the Ratings Central director ID and password after they have been set. Now a player who defaults all matches in a second-stage round robin gets a place number (since probably played in first stage). Changed header of player export file so Excel will recognize it as a CSV file. Added countries: FLK, FRO, GIB, GUE, IOM, JER, MHL, MNE, MTS, NFK, NIU, SRB, TCI, TUV. Deleted SCG (Serbia and Montenegro). Now displays a friendly error message on errors accessing or creating files. 15.4. February 20, 2006. Fixed crash when changing list-database folder. 15.3. January 15, 2006. Fixed problem that could corrupt data files when running on a processor with hyperthreading. 15.2. October 13, 2005. If manage-match-calling is unchecked, now prints match cards for event group-by-group rather than all groups jumbled together. Fixed problem where adding a player to an event with no players would produce a spurious message that a new group was added. 15.1. October 7, 2005. Fixed problem where draw sheet would be marked as modified when match card printed and manage-match-calling unchecked. 15.0. October 3, 2005. Added manage-match-calling check box. If unchecked, Zermelo will print all match cards regardless of whether players are ready. Now use-player's-club check box defaults to unchecked. 14.5. September 22, 2005. Fixed problem where a few edit fields were sometimes enabled when they shouldn't have been. 14.4. August 16, 2005. Now a new player has their club start as blank rather than being set to the club of the tournament. Now, if a player's club is not set, clicking the change-club button brings up the club browser with the tournament club selected. Fixed problem where select-club button in club browser wasn't the default button. 14.3. August 10, 2005. Fixed problem where name validation was not enforced after copying player from rating list. Fixed problem where name was not validated and save button was not enabled after using new-player rating-list-browser button. 14.2. July 30, 2005. Now writes the date instead of the day to log window if not during tournament. 14.1. July 22, 2005. Now writes unrated-prior mean (if set) to USATT report file to suggest ratings to USATT for unrated players. Fixed desired-max-overflow-when-drawing drop-down list so values greater than or equal to desired group size are disabled. 14.0. June 25, 2005. Added menu item to export player information to a CSV file. Added player-notes field and a way to print the player notes. Added Kosovo as a country. Now ignores unknown countries in rating lists rather than displaying an error message. 13.2. June 4, 2005. Changed eligibility for USATT junior membership to be under 18 rather than under 17. 13.1. May 11, 2005. When importing a USATT rating list, now accepts a double-quoted space as the value for a player's gender. 13.0. March 22, 2005. Fixed problem that Zermelo was never taking seeding into account when adding a player to an already-drawn event. Fixed problem where status label in result window would shift to the right when winner selected and name became bold. Fixed problem where edit fields would accept a minus sign by itself and convert it silently to a zero. OK button in select-printer window is now the default button. Separate-clubs check box is now enabled even if the draw is made. Event check lists now display a horizontal scroll bar when necessary. Added option to print draw sheets for all events that have not completed. Added max-underflow and max-overflow parameters to give better control over round-robin group sizes when drawing an event. When adding a player to an already-drawn round-robin event, now always adds a player to an existing group (if possible). Now lets the user know if adding a player to a round-robin event produces a new group or an excessively large group. When undoing a match, log window now indicates whether a result, match card, or default card was undone. Now beeps when popping up most informational messages. Made printer job name for match cards clearer. Made clicking the abort button when making a draw more robust. 12.4. January 24, 2005. Fixed problem where some windows that should have a maximize button in title bar didn't or others that shouldn't did. 12.3. January 16, 2005. Fixed problem where several edits that should be blank were initialized to "0" causing a crash when OK button was clicked. 12.2. January 10, 2005. Now uses the ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) character set; this character set includes accented characters. Fixed problem where edit fields might garble a string that started with a space and contained an accented character. 12.1. December 11, 2004. Added Macao as a country. Tournament unrated prior must now be set to submit tournament to Ratings Central. 12.0. December 5, 2004. Can now submit tournament to Ratings Central via the Web. Can now use web proxy server when downloading rating and club lists. Now using IOC country codes. Now allow unrated mean minus twice unrated standard deviation to be less than zero. Fixed problem that Zermelo was unable to handle accented letters in file and folder names. 11.0. November 4, 2004. Now a player who defaults all of their matches in a group does not advance. Player list sorted by name now shows unrated priors. Can now turn off draw-sheet-posting reminder. Simplified the modify-tournament window by moving fields to the new modify-posting and modify-calling windows. 10.1. October 18, 2004. Registration list check boxes now print as checked if player is checked in. 10.0. October 17, 2004. Made minor changes so that copying a player from the rating list is more robust. Fixed problem where look-up-by-Ratings-Central-ID button might be enabled when it shouldn't be. 9.0. October 16, 2004. New bookkeeping options for registration list. Can now sort player grid on "Status" and "Membership Bought" columns. Now checks when importing rating and club lists that lists are for correct sport, i.e., table tennis. Now allows clubs on club list that are from U.S. or Canada to not have the state set. 8.1. October 12, 2004. Now event names on draw sheets are in bold. 8.0. September 27, 2004. Now more flexible about format of USATT rating list header line. Now doesn't complain about temporary (>999999) IDs in USATT rating list when importing (imports the player, but clears the ID). Changed text on buttons of import-error window so meaning is clearer. Added status bar to error window to explain how to copy error message to the clipboard. 7.7. August 29, 2004. Decreased size of hidden temporary file that is created in \Windows\Temp folder. 7.6. July 20, 2004. Now checks that tournament start date is not in future when submitting tournament to Ratings Central. 7.5. July 17, 2004. Fixed problem where navigator in player edit notebook page was never enabled. Fixed player and rating list browsers so blank dates don't display as 12/30/1899. Fixed problem where entering an ineligible player in a doubles event and clicking the cancel button would give an error message. Fixed problem where entering a player in a doubles event and pressing Esc would not switch to the browse page. Changed shortcut for look-up-by-Ratings-Central-ID so it doesn't conflict with shortcut for copy. Now displays a pop-up message when tournament successfully submitted to Ratings Central. Now, when printing modified draw sheets, prints final group on separate sheet when preliminary groups are completed. Player window now copies search string to rating-list-browser find box when doing look-up. Added new-player button to rating-list browser. 7.4. June 9, 2004. Fixed problem where read-only combo boxes could be changed using the accelerator key and up/down arrow keys. 7.3. June 8, 2004. Fixed look-up-by-ID buttons on edit page of player notebook so they work. Replaced box around club name with underline so it looks less like a read-only field. 7.2. June 1, 2004. Fixed previous fix. 7.1. May 31, 2004. Fixed obscure problem with event list in display-draw-sheet window. 7.0. May 29, 2004. Can now automatically download and import rating and club lists from Ratings Central website. Can now set SMTP port. Now checks that tournament name is set. 6.1. May 6, 2004. Can now import lists that are in either the standard CSV format or in Excel's CSV format. 6.0. May 2, 2004. Added support for SMTP servers that use authentication. Now displays a success message when test email sent. Added "Create Folder" button to folder browser in ::Tournament > "Create New". Folder browser now opens with the current database folder selected if the database-folder field is blank. Fixed problem where club browser wasn't always remembering column order and index. Fixed new-personal-info check box so it is always enabled once tournament is submitted. 5.1. April 25, 2004. Find field now has focus when rating list is displayed. 5.0. April 21, 2004. Now supports Ratings Central. Display-statistics window now shows fee totals. Can now select printer to print to. Draw sheets now show event starting day and time. Added option to show player clubs on draw sheets. Now separately tracks whether the draw sheet for each stage of an event is modified. Added option to give byes to seeds when making the draw. Can now view draw sheets on screen. Added "Display" buttons to match and slot windows to make user interface clearer. Fixed problem where sometimes a value entered in a field wasn't checked thus leading to a crash. Rating fee now defaults to $0. Player names must now be entered in last-comma-first format. Removed ability to import old-style USATT rating list. 4.8. March 21, 2004. Fixed problem where the match number on a draw sheet might be printed on top of the player ID number. 4.7. March 13, 2004. Fixed problem with the way players were drawn into the second stage of a RR-to-SE event. 4.6. March 8, 2004. Fixed problem where modified-draw-sheets icon would come on if the tournament info was modified. 4.5. January 31, 2004. Fixed crash when setting the event team rating to a value greater than 3500 if there were already teams entered in the event. New USATT membership fees. 4.4. January 6, 2004. Fixed problem where swapping two slots in the second stage of a draw sheet would (half the time) foul up the draw sheet. Fixed problem where event fees that weren't set were displaying as zero in the event grid. Fixed problem where sometimes first item wasn't selected when grid came up. Fixed problem where unrateds-can-enter check box might not be checked when it should be when it was set to read-only. Fixed problem where sometimes contents of edit was not selected when selecting a notebook page. 4.3. October 25, 2003. Fixed problem where Zermelo would crash and refuse to start if you set the printing interval to zero. 4.2. October 22, 2003. Removed debugging line left in version 4.1 that caused crash when editing a player. 4.1. October 21, 2003. Fixed crash when entering just a minus sign as the score in a game. Fixed crash when scrolling event check list. 4.0. September 23, 2003. New database engine. Fixed doubles browse grid so it remembers column sizes and order. Fixed rating-list browser shortcut keys (Ctrl+N, Ctrl+U) so they work from the edit notebook page. Grids can now be sorted by clicking button in column header. User interface style now flat instead of 3D. Accelerator keys now work in event check list without holding down Alt key. Dates, times, and money now display using (mostly) Windows regional settings (this may not work well in all cases). ::Matches > "List Playing" now displays, and sorts the matches by, the time that the match card was printed. Can now print lists of the players in an event via ::Players > "Print Lists". Fixed problem where the margins were sometimes too small when printing. 3.3. July 16, 2003. Fixed money fields so contents is selected on entry. Fixed a problem where the field that initially got focus on a notebook page wasn't the intended one. 3.2. May 24, 2003. Fixed a problem where blank dates were displaying as 12/30/99 in grids. Can now import the USATT CSV rating list. 3.1. May 19, 2003. Fixed a problem where windows would open already minimized. 3.0. May 14, 2003. Now Ctrl+G sets focus to the grid. Now in a "Find" field sets focus to the grid. Now works regardless of the Windows regional setting (uses U.S. formatting for dates [changed in 4.0]). Added junior and senior event-eligibility cutoff dates. Added best-of-3 match format. 2.02. May 6, 2003. Fixed search fields so they don't move to the first record when receiving focus. Fixed the ::Tournament > Modify > "Search by" combo box so it has the correct choices. Fixed score (and integer) fields so you can enter a number even if field contains a minus sign and contents is selected. Fixed result dialog so winner of first result isn't in bold when entering second result. Fixed ::Matches > Call so it calls matches in the middle-right of a RR before matches in the bottom-right. Fixed crash when selecting a disabled combo-box item by typing the item. Fixed crash when typing into score field. The Zermelo.exe file can now be run from a CD. The hourglass cursor now displays when navigating to a new record causes a record to post in the player or event notebooks. 2.01. April 17, 2003. Fixed crash when entering a non-numeric character into a score field. 2.00. April 16, 2003. Now each version installs into its own folder so you can easily keep multiple versions installed. Replaced user interface library with new one; changes throughout user interface. Changed rating fee to new USATT value and made it possible for user to change fee. Can now print draw sheet for one stage of two-stage event. Title of main window now displays version number. Added "Draw" combo box to ::Players > "Enter Doubles" > Modify notebook page. Fixed problem where a RR-to-RR event with one group and one player advancing was mistakenly thought to be finished. Added ::Players > Modify > Edit > Status > Playing status label to show whether player has finished all their matches. Match cards now show the time they were printed. 1.05. March 26, 2003. Filename for tournament report file is now more reasonable. 1.04. March 23, 2003. Fixed crash when deleting value in "Players that advance" edit field. Fixed problem where OK button in "Result" window was enabled after entering a result. 1.03. March 9, 2003. The "Enter Result" window now stays up so you can easily enter several results. Fixed a problem where the "Enter Result" window wasn't clearing the score if you changed the match you were entering. Windows where you enter match coordinates now start out with the "Cancel" button as the default button until you type a number. 1.02. March 8, 2003. This version cannot read database files created with previous versions. Fixed crash when importing a rating list with a bad date. Error messages are now more informative for rating-list parse errors. File browser for rating-list-to-import now shows folder path in title bar. Fixed crash when importing a rating list from a file that is open in Word. Player status for new players is now always "Never Here", even if player is added during the tournament. Changed accelerator character for "Matches" menu item from "M" to "C". Now beeps when pushpin icon turns on after autodrawing events. The pushpin icon now turns on if you make the draw during the tournament. Check box accelerator keys in the ::Draw Sheets > Print window now work even if edit fields have the focus. The "Check In or Out" window was being too lenient on what changes it would allow. Renamed the "Not Here" default time the "Event" default time. Now checks that both the "Event" and "Lunch" default times have passed for players that are at lunch. Fixed a problem with showing the winner in bold on a default card. Stopped showing player statuses in bold in match windows. Fixed a problem where unchecking the "Default" check box would leave the score fields disabled if no winner was selected. Pressing "." now toggles the "Default" check box in the "Enter Result" window. Status bar under the event list in the player window is now visible all the time. Words "Default Card" and "Discard Card" now appear before player names in log window when calling matches. "Write USATT Report" now writes total rating fees to log window rather than in a pop-up window. Pressing "M" in the main window now prints the modified draw sheets even if the pushpin icon is not displayed. Hints now stay up for 4 seconds instead of 2.5 seconds. The "Enter" key no longer jumps to the OK button if you are making changes to a score in the "Enter Result" window. "Result" window now displays a message explaining why you can't change winner or score. Values in event grid are now more descriptive (instead of "Yes", "No"). Incremental search fields now search after every keystroke. Rating list browser now has a default button. Accelerator keys for radio buttons in "Check In or Out" window now work even if you don't press . "Call" menu item is now active if there are any events and you get a message in the log window if all events are done, etc. Now checks that the database files are the current version. ::Draw Sheets > Print window now shows which events are finished. Added "+" as shortcut for "Enter Result". Changed shortcut for ::Draw Sheets > Print to "H". Added ::Matches > "List Playing" menu item. Now detects if the database files are read-only and displays a sensible error message. 1.01. February 11, 2003. Fixed crash when printing registration list. Fixed crash when OK button rapidly selected twice using key. 1.00. January 29, 2003. First version.